1. find function broken. 2. navigation hotkeys. 3. hidden documents

  1. the find function does not find words that arent in opened children below, so you have to manually open all the children and wait for the time it takes to load all of them before cntrl+F.
  2. the navigation hotkeys (cntrl+up/down, cntrl+shift+up/down) have been changed for the worse in the last big update. this is extremely sad, as navigation was previously extremely efficient (even fun :)). if there is a possibility to enable “oldschool” navigation hotkeys in the interface menu for example this would be amazing.
  3. lots of children have randomly been hidden and i dont know how to unhide everything from all of my documents with a single click.

:wave: Hey there!

  1. Ctrl + F is the new Find Mode. Ctrl + Shift + F is the Filter Mode (they swapped shortcuts). Are you still having issues when using the latter?

  2. To clarify, by navigation, are you referring to moving between the Rems using the keyboard instead of the mouse, or something different?
    For simple navigation, the Arrow Up and Arrow Down keys can be used to move the cursor between Rems.
    The keyboard shortcuts to move the current Rem up or down are Alt + Arrow Up and Alt + Arrow Down.
    To select multiple Rems from (and including) the current cursor location, Shift + Arrow Up and Shift + Arrow Down can be used.
    Pre-update settings can be enabled by going to Settings -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Default To Legacy Keyboard Shortcuts To my knowledge, except for point 1 (Find vs. Filter), there was no behavioural change between updates for the shortcuts mentioned in points 2 and 3.

  3. Ctrl + (Shift +) Arrow Up and Ctrl + (Shift +) Arrow Down are used to toggle Rems between the collapsed and expanded state.
    Use those shortcuts inside the document title to toggle-expand all children in the Document. :upside_down_face:

? -> Keyboard Shortcuts (bottom right corner of the App) will display a list of most shortcuts.

For more information: a changelog of the latest update can be found here. Please see this section for Find vs. Filter Mode and this section for Toggle vs. Hiding information. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope this helps. There don’t seem to be any bugs/Feature Requests yet so I’m moving the topic to #community-help.

#1 - Thanks, didn’t know that cntrl+shift+F is the new search.
#2 - Navigation was the wrong word to use. I meant expanding/collapsing the children yes!
I want to be able to have the next sequential level of children be expanded each time I used a key combo (for example cntrl+down), whereby one click opens up the first level of children, second click opens the second level of children below that, third click opens the third level of children below that again, etc.
The way the system works now feels like an “all or nothing” method with “expandchildrenofthisrem” (cntrl+down) which will show children of the selected rem as entirely expanded or closed depending on how I last viewed them or “expandALLTHECHILDRENOFALLCHILDRENOFALLTHECHILDREN” (cntrl+shift+down) which opens every single child available.
If I want to open a closed rem and only show the first level of children (closed!!) below it with one click I cannot do so. In order to get what I’m talking about to appear (only the first subset of children closed), I have to first open the rem with either cntrl+down, which will open any combination of open/closed children depending on how it was last viewed or cntrl+shift+down, which will open every single child, and THEN use the cntrl+shift+up/down to get the first level of children to appear below (closed).
Right now the down and up buttons are also confusing in their combinations with cntrl +/- shift. For cntrl+down I can both expand and collapse the next level of children, which will be open/closed depending on whatever was open/closed before I started. For cntrl+up I can only collapse children, and not open. For cntrl+shift+down I can cycle between expand all and collapse back to the first subset of children. For cntrl+shift+up I can only collapse back to the first subset of children.
Why can I not make for example cntrl+up/down expand/collapse one level of children at a time and cntrl+shift+up/down expand/collapse all?
3. I am still getting hidden children in my documents and do not know how to stop them from appearing as hidden. Sadly I do not understand UMNIK’s answer/solution. I can not keep creating hidden children by som bug and then have to remember to add them to the document before I quit my session.

Oh, it was not meant to be a universal solution (my apologies for failing to specify that), just a workaround for a specific problem that compounds the issue: some created children are automatically hidden when viewing their parent. Essentially, if you fold everything up, then unfold, then add any hidden children, you should then have all the children be visible and obey the general folding rules (which are indeed quite mysterious since 1.4 hit).

The problem seems to happen when creating new rem under a zoomed in one and then zooming back out: the newly created ones are set to hidden by default. The only workaround I found thus far is doing a quick ctrl+shift+up arrow, then ctrl+shift+down arrow on the parent and adding the hidden rem from the “x hidden rem” button at the bottom, which should be normally folded and unfolded thereafter.

Please see the above comment on Gabriela.AD’s post. And thanks!