Any joy with iOS google signin issue?

I still am unable to login via google signin in iOS (as recounted in my thread a few days ago). Please let me know ETA for any resolution of this ticket.

Kind regards

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Hi Brindha-
Try signing into Remnote byway of Google via Safari with your IOS mobile device. However, this works for me; my mobile web browser of choice for this tool is Microsoft Edge, but this feature does not work as of last week. Now this page has been forgotten with a 404-error page not found. My preference is MS Edge because it allows one to request a desktop version for any site, which gives one more control over their user experience with the mobile tool.

@thinkandgrow I get 404 in edge too. Even with desktop site. But in my previous post, I’ve had a solution provided which is to use Ecosia and Chrome browser, and that logged me but it has other issues regarding the Rem references, context menus etc.. So still unusable for me in iOS.

This is issue is now resolved. I am now able to login to iPadOS safari and PWA with google signin.

I had exactly the same infuriating issue when signing in with my Google account.
In the end I managed to export all my Rems in json format.

I then set up a second Remnote account, setting a login and password to avoid using the Google login and imported my data in json format.

Finally I deleted the first account that I had set up.

Ever since I have had no problems whatsoever.