CSS all breaks down and can’t be customized

Before the update, i can customize css myself through DevTools, but now i can’t customize anything that is different from the default style, even the font-size, color, background-color, etc

There are two issues here:

  • There is an error where Custom CSS does not take precedence over a builtin style when using the same selector (e.g. class name) or a selector with the same precendence. This should be fixed soon. See CSS for making answer buttons smaller (Bug: Custom CSS precedence) for workarounds.
  • New components are not using class names consistently. Many of them have just tailwind classes for now. We plan to add consistent, nicely documented class names and CSS variables later, but this is a larger, lower priority task compared to bug fixes. It will probably happen incrementally with an increasing number of components you can hook into over time.

Still, You can customize the CSS. Although Dev teams made it a little bit tricky.
Recently I transformed all you said. You need to concentrate on the new structure. That’s the only solution. :slightly_smiling_face:

But how can I change the default style? I used to do it through DevTools in which i can see the format of css and I paste it in Custom CSS page, but this way doesn’t work now

Then, You should learn CSS Selectors and their priority rules.
This page could be helpful.

Oh, it has been far more difficult than it used to be… but, thanks anyway

After the September 15 update, did anyone see that some of their custom css broke? For example, I did custom css for the headers so that would have a different font but that code no longer works anymore and it is just the default remnote font.

You can try this code for headers

	background-color: #fdea80;	
    padding: 15px 20px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    font-family: Cascadia Code!important;