Default pdf to highlight to rem reference + copy paste from pdf

Is there a way to default pdf highlights to copy the reference instead of pin? I find this much more useful.

Also, is there a way to copy paste from the pdf? Cmd + C → Highlight so I don’t know how to copy.

Thanks! Really awesome improvements

I think it is still not possible. Check this feature request Copy as text and pin from PDF
The best option I can think of is to go to the PDF highlights page and copy the actual highlighted text from there, but this is painful

Another cluge possibly less painful than going to the PDF highlights and copying there is (once set up) to use the windows program ‘puretext’ [ PureText ] (not sure but there may be something similar available on other OSes) and grabbing the text via OCR once you have set up a good keyboard shortcut for that (I use Windows Key + Q). Strange as that is, it does work and might be less difficult. It’s what I do until a more normal way is made available.

If you use Ctrl + Shift + C to copy from PDF, you can just paste that a plain text.