Exclude an Entire Document/Folder from the Main Queue

It would be nice to be able to exclude an entire document/folder from the main queue.

“I finished one class and need to move on. Remnote still wants me to review 500 flashcards from that class. How do I shelf the documents from the old class and make the new class the default? I don’t want to delete the old documents. Thanks! :-)”

This could be elegantly implemented with a “Don’t Practice” Power-Up Tag without cluttering the interface. The Tag would also enable you to easily look up documents that are not being practiced, which is not possible currently.


Or maybe there could be a power up analogous to the Document Sidebar rem from which one would control the contents of the queue through portals. This could be powerful once there’s a decent query system. Though a portal with “all the rems” is probably too big to manage; it could just list the exclusions I suppose.


Great idea. I was thinking of how much I’m needing that feature rn. That way when I’m done cramming for a lecture I don’t have to see those cards again, and don’t need to press the disable button over 40 times.

It could be done from the card list view, or maybe as an option in the 3 dots menu of the document.

This would also be useful for people that export their cards to anki, so that it is not duplicated in both apps

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What I do for now, is unfold the document or folder completely (control+shift+A) and then select practice → practice none from the bottom toolbar. This “suspends” or excludes the document or folder from the main queue

No clue how to do that on my iPhone or iPad. On the iPad, all I can do is select all with the mouse and then choose “none” on the toolbox option “cards” for all selected flashcards. Obviously not what I want because when I want the rems back in my queue, I gotta manually switch every single Rem I turned off to the correct card type. A personal use case is when I want to make some bigger changes to a document and don’t want these cards to be in my queue

add this function when you right-click the document at the sidebar will be more convenient

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@Martin I liked @vitek55 's idea. Something like @hannesfrank Active Recall custom CSS. Only tagging and untagging you wold be able to suspend/unsuspend rems/documents. And by the way, why not follow Anki’s good traditions? Naming it “Suspend” would make its meaning and function very clear to the users.

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Is there a way for you NOT to study a certain folder/document in the GENERAL queue. I am currently a student and I want to make it so some stuff are just in my general knowledge base but do not wish them to come up as my flashcards in my general queue.

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Feature request: Ability to disable and enable all flashcards of a document all at once

Reasoning: I just created a bunch of new flashcards for a class, which (I just only now noticed) I only need to study next semester. It’d be nice to disable all flashcards of that document all at once, instead of painstakingly going through them individually to disable them manually. And then when I want to revise these disabled flashcards I don’t want to go through each and every one of them to enable them again.

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Duplicate of Exclude an Entire Document/Folder from the Main Queue

You can find a workaround here: How can I exclude a document (or folder) from the Queue? (select all rems with Ctrl + A first, then disable).


If I remember correctly, there used to be a ‘Stop Practicing This Document’ feature a long time ago or something along those lines. It used to appear in the ••• menu (top right of the editor) where the ‘Practice Document >’ button is now.

Bringing this back would pretty much solve the issue (and quite neatly, I might add).


It really would help a lot. But I think it would be even better to adopt a “Power Up” like solution (I suggest naming it “Suspended”) that would disable all rem and its children’s flashcards; this way, I would be able to not only pause all flashcards of the document, but only certain sections. If I tag the document, it would be the same (all flashcards would be suspended); If a tag just one of, lets say, 8 sections (1st level after de document) of my document, I would still practice the cards of the other sections.

But it is all up to @Martin.



(As of RemNote 1.3) this Feature has been Implemented! Closing the topic to return the votes. :upside_down_face: