I am trying to write a script converting Xmind mindgrph to json RemNote can accept, and I have gotten confused with the meaning of the keys. Here is a example
"key": [
"i": "q",
"_id": "rBPEnogSF46pDDyMy"
"owner": "local-AufsnMrwG4pduSNFy",
"children": [],
"subBlocks": [
"portalsIn": [
"createdAt": 1619155195784,
"u": 1619251591182,
"_id": "JKdwZKogyNt3fGhpT",
"srcRemId": "kvPTuJefsues7YT9j",
"srcRemC": "a/fakeImportArticle0.04312119339963427",
"type": 6,
"portalType": 4,
"cp": true,
"folderOpen": true,
"portalsIn,prev": [],
"p": null,
"subBlocks,prev": [],
"parent": "95N6HtGvbBoXPfSyw",
"searchResults": [
"excludedTypeParents": []
I can get some information at hannesfrank/remnote-inspect: A developer plugin for RemNote to inspect a Rem. (github.com)
what I have figured out is that the keys which names “key” determines what to show in a Rem, “references” indicates other Rems which has a link pointing to it.
But I cannot understand what the values of some kinds of keys stands for, such as “rsp”, “portaltype” “type” and etc. Do you have any documents about that?