How Large Should Documents Be

I’m trying to figure out if I should use one large document with many rems, or make each rem a document.

In other words, is there a general guideline of how large something should be before it’s its own document? I don’t want to have hundreds of documents, but I don’t want my documents to be so huge they take forever to load.

Bullets can be collapsed, so if it’s looking like a single keynote, just collapse and get them in order. Once you have some more notes, I’d recommend making some structural keynotes with just references and possibly a broader index/table of contents for different subjects, then just link or tag or reference your documents there and untag them as documents. They will still exist, but will only be fully loaded when you go through a reference or a tag search portal. Portals are the biggest sources of slowdown, so use them only if you truly need to see and edit more things at once than the side panel (shift+click bullet or ctrl+shift+p) can afford (if you are preparing to organise stuff from multiple keynotes into a new one, for example).

I’d recommend making some structural keynotes with just references and possibly a broader index/table of contents for different subjects, then just link or tag or reference your documents there and untag them as documents.

I like the idea of atomic structural keynotes. I am having a problem in implementing this. I tried pulling some of my rems (subtopics with children) out of my larger documents to the sidebar and I added them back to the main document as references. I then untagged those rems as documents from the sidebar. Now, the issue I face is that the references I’ve added to the main document is all stubs. They lead into empty page.

How do I ensure that the structural atomic keynotes (that are no longer tagged as document) are listed and linked in the main document (from where I can click and jump to the keynote.) ? Kindly advice.

Just tested it out myself and it all works fine on my end. Here are the explicit steps:

  • You have a rem tagged as a document you wish to leave floating in your knowledge base with just references to it. Let’s call this one “floater”.
    • You create a new rem anywhere and paste a reference to the floater, either by [[floater or ctrl+shift+r the floater and ctrl+v in the new rem
    • Or you tag the floater with whatever rem you want to be able to use to pull it (##whatever rem or ctrl+shift+s the whatever rem and ctrl+v on the floater)
  • You focus the floater, ctrl+shift+m, “No Parent” , type in /doc and untag as document

Since you explicitly tell it to set “no parent” for this rem, it should’t be tagged as a stub and it should be still perfectly fine whether you get to it by reference or pull by tag.

Thank you for the detailed steps. I tried following it using [[ to paste the reference to the “floater” in the main doc, and then untag the “floater” as a document. The problem I have is that nothing happens when I click on that rem reference (I just get a tooltip with the content). If I click on the bullet point, it takes me an empty page with the text of the rem reference as title.
I was hoping to have the main page with a list of all my other atomic notes, from where I can jump into the one I choose.

I have made a screengrab video showing this issue. (Please let me know if you are able to access the loom video. )

(P.S This behaviour of rem reference is true for me everywhere. Nothing happens when I click on the rem reference).
As a workaround, I’ve created portals for each of my atomic notes/rems in my main note/rem. Not sure if is the right solution, but it gives me what I want for me.

EDIT 2: I wonder if the “zoom into Rem” shortcut (Ctrl + ') is the answer?! But currently the shortcut is not zoominto to the rem but instead giving me a dialog box to create new rem in thought queue. Shall add this as a separate post. Ta.

I saw your vid, only thing you missed was setting no parent, but that couldn’t break the actual reference anyway. Here’s my vid of what I assume is your wanted workflow, as you can see, it all works fine. Try some Ctrl+F5 refreshes and lagging out/back in maybe.

@UMNiK Thank you very much for your useful video. :pray: Alas, I continue to have issues. Have started a separate thread on this, and have responded with more details there. Issue with Rem References

Personally, I wouldn’t worry about the size of your documents so much. I’ve found it more fruitful to instead focus on:

  • How can I best structure my ideas in RemNote, so that they reflect what’s going on in my head and so that they generate good flashcards?
  • How can I organize ideas in RemNote to be able to quickly refer to them / find them / use them in the future?

RemNote thus includes a number of features that reduces the emphasis on document structures (portals, references to anything, etc.) so that you need to worry about this question less.

That said, I personally tend to have smaller documents, where each document comes from a single smaller source (ex. a single chapter of a book, single paper, single webpage, etc.) However, I tend to have large folders, with many documents inside them.

For example, if I start a new book I’d use a structure like this:

  • Book Title
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2

As @UMNiK points out, the Chapters can be documents that are either toggled open or closed.