How to: create a child rem based on copy pasted text

Context: I’m building a CSL (a file that provides a citation formatting for library manager like Zotero or Mendeley, when citing a reference).
Library managers allows you to copy paste metadata from papers of scientific journal, in a formatted way : basically the CSL file dictates how the metadata (authors, etc) are formatted when I reference them.
For example you could have CSL outputting this :
[[Author]], [[Year]], [[Title of paper]], [[Keyword of paper]], [[Journal]] which is quite useful IMO, as it allows to embedded the metadata of a PDF into the RemNote “language”.

My problem is that I would like to nest straight away the authors of the paper (let’s say ‘Rogers’) under the Rem called “Authors” that I’ve already created (where I have all the authors I’ve read so far). I really would like to avoid to move the authorsu

What Text operator allows me to do so? “[[Authors|Rogers]]” doesn’t work :confused:

Hope it’s understandable


@liberated_potato maybe you have an idea about how to acheive this ?

See also this thread for what can and cannot be pasted (crucially, it can only reference or tag top-level rem). Ability to create all content via API [and RemNote flavored markdown] (paste syntax)

OK, so it is possible !! I can add [[People/Authors/John Rogers]], and the nesting works right away =)
(with “People” being a toplevelrem)

That is brilliant! Thank you! :+1:

@liberated_potato → check this out :slight_smile:

Epic, they indeed started supporting this from 1.2.1

@_yb Four spaces in a newline insert indentation (i.e. add as a child). A hyphen and a space inserts a bullet. So if you have the following text (as in that dark screenshot) and paste it using Ctrl + Shift + V, I think it will give what you want. The ‘dot’ in that dark screenshot represents space (I just visualized space characters).

In case you have trouble inserting newline characters in your CSL, check the solution for this - csl how to insert a line break in bibliography, especially the link mentioned in the solution. It looks something like this <text macro="author" suffix="&#10;"/>.

Thank you for your thorough answer. I’m testing this later during the day :slight_smile:

(I’m curious how did you figure this out?)

Thanks for the pointer to the suffix for the newline!

The solution you are suggesting allows to create a new Rem called “Authors” with new children Tyler and Alfred : in future note-taking, if I ever want to link “author” by typing “[[Author”, all instances of “Author” that’ve created for each paper will appear (aka, hundreds of times)
This is not what I want to achieve.

What I would prefer to achieve is to nest new authors under one (and always the same) rem “Author”. I realise that my request is basically the same as “how do you create a child rem of a pre-existing parent, on the fly, but in copy past-able version” :

One solution that’ve seen somewhere is to implement a suffix “##author” at the end. However, this requires a line per type of item.

What would you do?

Also note that I don’t understand at all the difference between ## and [[ (nor in the structure of knowledge, nor in use), so there is still a lot I don’t understand :sweat_smile:

Thank you for your time;

Yup, the ##Author at the end will tag that Rem with Author. So if I tag Tyler with Author, I am telling Remnote that Tyler is an author. Once you implement that you can see all the authors by checking all the rems tagged with Author

Thanks, but there is still one thing I don’t understand (please bear with me :sweat_smile:) :
I have a Top rem called “People”, under which I’ve a rem called “Author”.
Now, I’ve implemented my CSL to output “Tyler Durden ##Author”, thinking that ##Author is actually saying that “Tyler Durden” is a child of “Author”. But it doesn’t go under the rem “Author” I already have. I think I don’t understand what ## is, and that’s a problem. There is probably something I’m missing behind your statement: “I am telling Remnote that Tyler is an author”
Thanks for your time, I’ve some research on ## and [[ to do :confused:

I should have explained it fully. Is there a way to magically add ‘Tyler’ (and all future authors) under People/Author? - I don’t think so at this point. However, the tagging approach is an alternative. Alternative because it lets you see all the authors in single place. I hope that is your intention (at least part of your intention)

In the tagging approach, when you paste Tyler Durden ##Author a rem called Tyler Durden gets created and this Tyler Durden automatically gets tagged with Author. However, this Author tag is not same as the People/Author you already have. This Author is a top level rem. It is top level rem because that is Remnote’s default behavior while pasting something like Tyler Durden ##Author. I don’t think there is way to tag a rem with a specific tag (e.g. tag Tyler Durden ##People/Author while pasting.

Now to see all the authors in a single place you can create a search portal which searches for all the rems tagged with Author (the top level Author) shown as 1 in the screenshot. Another cleaner option would be to just create a reference to this top level Author under you People rem. Then if you want see all authors, you will have to go inside this Author reference and check all the rems tagged with it. Shown as 2 below

Thanks a lot for your explanation, it’s clear now. I’ll reference top-rem-“Authors” under people, as my primary goal is to have everybody in the same place.
By the way I’ve tried moving top-level-rem-“authors” under people : it doesn’t work (meaning ##authors will automatically create a top-level rem no matter what) but now I understand why, with your explanation of what procedure RN goes through when tagging.
There are still a lot of underlying mechanism I’m learning while using the platform. Thanks :+1: