Is it possible to decrease Note's font size when pressed Shift+Enter?

I want to make Note font smaller because it will be obvious that it is a note when font is smaller then header. Like in Is this possible?

I found a workaround that might work for you.


.rem-text:first-line {
color: black;
font-size: 15px;

.rem-text {
color: lightgrey;
font-size: 13px;

Like I said, not exactly what you want. But depending on your workflow could be useful.
I just googled that, so am not sure if it’s reliable/stable.

Exactly what I needed. Thank you so much.

Today I learned: :first-line. I see my CSS skills are still pretty low. :flushed:

@lyrk Cool!

@hannesfrank I thought about the first-child selector you showed me and wondered if there was such a thing for text. Turns out there was!

I guess the easier solution is to make the header bigger.
You can do this by hovering over “H” icon on the bottom bar and select a header you like.

You might want to use the Custom CSS if you want to make all text to be smaller.

I can confirm that it is not possible to make the text after the first line inside a single rem smaller automatically. (Except if you want to resort to restyling highlight colors which I would advise against.)

It is cleaner to split the rem and use a heading for the larger text and plain rems for the smaller text as ako suggested.

If that is not flexible enough you can make some rem even smaller using a Custom CSS styling tag:

[data-rem-tags~="comment"] * {
  font-size: 12px;
  color: dimgrey;

thanks for the answer. I tried but I could not get it work. I opened Custom CSS / Add Blank CSS Block then copy pasted the code but no luck. Any additional thing I should do?


Have you tagged the rem in question with #comment?

thanks so much. I forgot to add #comment