Paint child rems with same color

I can paint 1st rem of the #english tag blue with the snippet below. Is there a way that child rems of #english tag to be painted blue also?

[data-rem-tags~=“english”] * {
font-size: 12px;
color: black;
background: lightblue;

Yes, you almost had it! Just replace the data-rem-tags with data-rem-container-tags and it affects the whole subtree. See Guide: data attributes for more information.

[data-rem-container-tags~="english"] {
  background-color: lightblue;

Frank you the best. Thank you again.

1 more question @hannesfrank I am copy pasting the same code for another tag in another snippet but it doesn’t work for the second tag. Is there something wrong I am doing? Screnshots are below.
1st picture is from Custom CSS file. 2nd screenshot, #klasik is formatted correct but #yabancı is not. 3rd screenshot is the tag structure.

@lyrk I am guessing the last character of yabanci is not ASCII/latin. The data-tags you are targeting with CSS are normalized first, i.e. lowercase, space → - and remove special characters - here the last letter of your tag. So you want to select the data tag yabanc.

@hannesfrank thank you again. That was the problem. I corrected it and it works now.