"Remnote has updated, and you can´t sync until you refresh"

It seems that i can´t sync my work from the Desktop app to the server.
The message ““Remnote has updated, and you can´t sync until you refresh”” keeps popping up and on the side-bar it says “last synced 16 hours ago”.
Can anyone please tell me how i “refresh” Remnote? I´ve closed and entered the app several times already

same situation here, I tried to download RemNote app directly on the website, but I got the “access denied” message.

Possibly related problem here 1.2.8 Linux desktop app not syncing

Download and install the newest version from remnote site will resolve this issue
version: 1.2.9

I was able to resolve this issue without downloading the newest versionen by:

  1. close the Desktop app
  2. open your knowledge base in a browser, then sync and update it there
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