Show flashcards as they are ordered in a document from top to bottom

Use case: I use RemNote as a study tool in university. When I’m done summarizing a lecture I’ll test myself with the cards I created.

My problem: When I study a document, the flashcards appear in a random order. But the concepts in a lecture all build on top of each other. So when practicing concepts in the queue and I’m shown a flashcard concerning some concept that appeared in the middle or at the end of the lecture, then I won’t be able to answer it since I haven’t fully grasped and learned the concepts that came before it yet as they all build on top of each other.

Requested solution: Provide a possibility to practice flashcards as they are ordered in a document. This way I’ll be able to learn each concept one after the other, in the order they are intended to be learned.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rem Cluster - a group of rems that can be reviewed together in sequential order