Ability to crop images

Having the ability to crop images directly in RemNote, so that you can copy-paste an image directly from your browser and crop it inside RemNote without the need to first download it and then crop it with some editor on your computer and then upload it to RemNote.

How about bringing a resize option for the images inserted. Some of us use the screenshots or even in a normal image we can cut out the unnecessary parts in the image

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Yes, that is definitely a convenient feature RemNote should have built in!

I think it is already covered in Ability to crop images. Please upvote it there.

A word about terminology: Crop means cutting away outer parts of an image, resize means changing the image size as a whole.


Yeah, I guess you mean cropping, since resize is already possible (using the corner arrow thingy)

I agree cropping would be useful. ideally as a feature within a very basic “image editor”, which would also allow to scribble basic visual notes/drawings.

For casual Windows users: as a workaround, it’s possible to use Windows+SHIFT+S to snip specific portions of the screen (instead of the full screen).


it would be cool if when we insert images, we can crop them too

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