Ability to escape double colon

For IPv6 network addresses, the double colon shows up a lot. I’m trying to create flash card covering networking topics, and need to use well-known multicast addresses, such as ff02::2, etc. Double quotes does not appear to protect the :: from being seen as a command for a flash card. I’ll keep digging into the documentation, but if anyone knows the answer on how to escape the double colon, it would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hello and welcome to the community! You should be able to escape the :: functioning as a delimiter by putting it in a quote.

For example: First type in two backticks (``) > Then type ff02::2 > Click outside the box to exit the grey box.

Alternative: Select ff02::2 and in the little pop-up above the text, select the icon that looks like a double quote.
You might have to convert the Rem Type to Text first, so this way might be less time-efficient.

You’ll notice the text being typed into a little grey box (this maintains any text within it in regular text format).

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Thank you very much! That works perfectly for what I need. Appreciate the help with getting started!

No worries, hope you’re enjoying RemNote and good luck! :slight_smile: