Ability to Generate Multiple Types of IO Cards from a Single Image

For example:

From the above image, I would like to generate the following types of IO cards:

  • A card where C is shown, and you have to guess A (which occludes all the characteristics of C), while B and D - J are all hidden.
  • A card where B is shown, and you have to guess D, while A, C and E - J are all hidden.
  • A card where C - G are shown, L is the answer, while K, M and N are hidden.
  • A card where C - G are shown, M is the answer, while L, K and N are hidden
    And so on…

To do this currently, I would need to copy and paste this image into RemNote multiple times, and generate these cards separately.
I believe Anki’s IO is able to achieve such kinds of permutations using a single image as a source - it would be VERY useful to have this functionality in RN as well.