Ability to upload PDF files

I think a lot of users - me included - will like to have the ability to upload PDF files to RemNotes.
Having notes of a document and this document uploaded there would be awesome as an organization feature.

I need that feature…
I still store my pdf Database on Notion…


What are the requirements here exactly? Do you really want to upload pdfs to RemNote? Or do you just want to show/embed them. Because uploading makes them inaccessable for other apps like pdf readers to highlight or full text search while you can still do this when you have the pdfs in a cloud storage synced to your device.

Just embedding pdfs from cloud storage (OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox) is fairly easy using a plugin:


the way I see it it would be awesome to have something like what Evernote has: Embed PDFs in which the content appears in the search. Never thought of having it uploaded in an external cloud and just showing up in RN like you said, I might work, at least at a starting point.


Yeah, true. I did not think about searching from within RemNote. This is a difficult feature.

As a workaround one could bundle pdf.js with the plugin though and extract the text into children of the embed. This could also double then as a basis for taking notes on the pdf.
But you’d have to have access to the pdf directly and cloud storage provider use their own viewer to display the pdf.


Here is a discussion on the privacy/management issues of uploaded media files in the RoamResearch forum: https://forum.roamresearch.com/t/how-do-we-manage-the-files-we-upload-into-roam/369

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Could this feature be able to be implemented somehow with links to your file directory? e.g. a link to a PDF stored on your desktop. I am not sure how easy/feasible this is, but just a thought. That way it could get around being a privacy issue, while being more integrated with someones notes.

I would like something like this feature, because that way I can quickly move from my notes to the ppt/pdf it is referencing.


Currently I create my notes based on lecture PDFs. For reference I upload all pdfs on a cloud, link them in RemNote and for every topic I make in RemNote, I write down the pages of the pdf.

Now to the suggestion: Make a PDF import option that will appear as an icon or minimized preview of the document. When clicking on it, it will open in the second pane. There you could highlight, make separate notes, link content from the pdf to the note.

Implementation could look different but the idea is there.

I liked this idea at first but the more I think about it, the more I dislike the idea of being able to search a PDF’s content within RemNote. I feel like it would be inserting a piece of someone else’s brain into my knowledgebase – it’s their ideas and words, not mine. Certainly searchable PDF’s are great, I’m just not certain that I’d want it within RN so if such an option ever exists I hope it’s something we can toggle.

That said, it would be nice to have PDF’s embedded into RN like we can with images. I really like @Dennis idea too. I envision something akin to the web clipper that would allow me to have the PDF in one pane and then I can highlight as I read to create notes onto a RN document.


I am new to remnote, so can u please show me the plugin to embed pdf and images ??

Welcome to RemNote, 1001!

You can insert images just by pasting them (Ctrl + V) or drag&drop or typing /image or Ctrl + G.

This pdf-embed plugin is just a prototype which is not a priority for me at the moment (e.g. it just shows a fixed URL instead of reading it from a child rem). I think pdfs will be a builtin feature at some point anyway.

Would love to have access to this plugin

Thanks for the suggestions everyone - this was released in RemNote 1.1.

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Hello Martin,
Thanks for your great effort building RemNote.
Can we upload/embed a PDF file inside a rem, not just uploading it on the top and opening it in another pane after this update? If yes, How?