Add ability to create preformatted Cornel Method Rems for note taking

Taking notes is useful for gathering information to elaborate, comprehend, memorise as a student. There are several ways of taking notes, some say taking notes is even a waste of time. I can see why and I also don’t always take notes, but sometimes it is vital to take notes in order to gather the information you need to study, not everything is in books or video lectures. So you either take notes or get notes from others :slight_smile: .
There are obviously more or less active ways of taking notes and we should adopt an active way. A common method is called Cornell Method. It would be nice if when we create a new Rem, we could get the option to create a preformatted Cornell Method page that includes a header, a space for taking the actual notes, a space for keywords and questions and an optional space for summary. Keywords and questions could be used then for making diagrams or for active recall.

Such Rem page could be like a draft and then if we want we could use the information contained in the page to create a normally structured Rem.

While I’m for better ways to improve the learnability of information through different note-taking practices, implementing the cornel notes model as it was conceived here would be a huge undertaking. RemNote would have to explore the idea of new note types, designing a new, non-standard kind of note, then tackle issues as local as reference display to universal like export standards. It would not be feasible.

I instead suggest adapting the concept of cornel notes to RemNote. Cornel notes, as pictured above, consisted of three sections. When invented in the late 20th century, the cue column was seperated from the note-taking column by way of necessity. If the keywords and questions were interlaced with the main note-taking section, you would struggle with your hand to hide the information you wanted to test prior to recalling. In fact, each time you’d open your notes you’d see the information corresponding to the cues, thereby significantly diminishing the value of cues. The cue column was a paper-based workaround to address this problem

With RemNote, we no longer have this problem of accidentally answering our cues without effortful recall. We can fold nodes to hide information from view, and then unfold them after answering their cues. This leaves the most difficult aspect of adaption–the column–of marginal utility (although still achievable through @hannesfrank’s Custom Layout CSS).

For example, you could upgrade the summary section with cues through proper tilting of parent Rems. Or you could create a list of cues, alongside your main notes, and add portals as child rems. Or why not make use of in-line flashcards to write flashcards instead of cues, perhaps in their own section if you’d prefer a closer match to the original style.

What I think you’re asking, fundamentally, is a way to invoke a template for cornel notes. With RemNote templates, you can create a structure (I’ve pitched a few ideas) for these notes once and they’re available instantly via ##. That linked video walks through creating templates. In general, I differentiate between knowledge templates and note templates, where note templates format your whole Rem (or a section) and knowledge templates are semantically meaningful (e.g. Birth:, Death:, Notable achievements:).

What I’m describing here is a paradigm shift. When I look at traditional note-taking methods, like cornel notes, the question I ask is not “can RemNote add this?” but “how can I add this to RemNote?”, adapting the thought original thought process to our feature set. That is not to undercut your idea at all; it’s a great idea. I’d rather say we can implement the idea already with a tad of RemNote-infused creativity. And with templates, if you choose to check them out, I think you’ll have great fun in experimenting with different cornel note styles.


I’m also a self taught web developer among the other things and I like that it’s possible to customize RemNote by ourselves, but it requires some efforts and not everyone would be able to do it or at least probably not as good as RemNote devs. I like API docs and CSS customisation docs, but I think also providing something ready to use has value. Then RemNote could consider wether to offer it for free or in the Pro subscription…the Pro subscription could fund the development of extra features like this. I may know how to do it, but I may not to have the time to do it if I have to work and study full time and choose a software to help me being more productive, otherwise I also could develop a software by myself…probably not nearly as good, but I could. Some people would rather use something already available, some people would like to have it for free, some people would also pay probably. This is a feature request from my side, then if people want to make it by themselves it’s fine :slight_smile: I’ll try to do something if I have free time, but this is a request for devs. RemNote devs can pick up the feature request or not…it’s a suggestion.

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