After importing Anki cards to Remnote,it can't type anymore

After I import my 1000+ Anki cards to Remnote,I experience a collapse.
Now I delete the Anki folder,but my old notes seem to disappear.
I just want to delete the Anki folder and clear the Remnote trash,but it had been loaded 1.5hrs it still can’t write any notes.
All I want to do is to delete the cards and Doc from Anki.And trash.
Please help me.

I dont need this anymore.

There are lots of cards without documents.

My request is:
Can delete the documents, Rems and cards permanently that I don’t need them.(Even in the trash.)

Sadly, that’s been happening to multiple people when importing many cards all at once. Remnote not syncing after Anki import.

Thanks for response.
I have backuped my original Remnote,and open another account to import my old Rem.It took my 2.5hrs to deal with these.