Again, undisplay the less commonly used button

Can someone tell me how to get rid of the history buttons and forward and back navigation buttons on the interface?
Because I don’t need these two features.

Buttons are shown in red circles in the following figure

I know that if you want to customize CSS, one possible way to do this is

First, open the developer tools
Then, find the corresponding component in the code block
Finally, add the corresponding code in the custom CSS

But I couldn’t, because I didn’t know much about the code. (Laughter)

Thanks a million!

I can’t see the history feature in my app anymore, so I think I may have disabled it somewhere in the settings and you could do that too.

But as for the navigation bar, paste in a css code block:

.navigation-bar {
display: none;

And to figure out the exact css classes and whatnot, you can just use this button:)

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Thank you very much.

Through the method you introduced, I soon found the related snippet of thinking-trail-history.

As shown in the figure below

If I want to get rid of this part of the display. There are two ways to do it.

The first method is temporary. Click the “Hide Element” option directly in the corresponding snippet in developer tools. However, when RemNote is turned off and turned on again, it will appear on the inferface again.

The second method, which is permanent, is Custom CSS.
This part of the snippet looks like this

#thinking-trail-history {
display: none;

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