/alias doesn't work in Document Titles

This seems like a simple mistake since documents can have aliases and they work everywhere else, but you should probably allow for alt+a or /alias when editing document titles.

Not opening another issue for this, but aliased tags are not currently displaying with the aliased name.

Third small bug, aliases aren’t generated for a document that is currently open in split screen.

Are you sure you want to make users pay for these features when they are not yet stable???

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Thanks for the feedback:

  1. Great point; aliases commands will be available for the document title in the next mini update.
  2. Currently the main name is preferred for an Alias tag; this request does seem reasonable though, so we’ll take a look.
  3. I’m not sure what you mean by this?
  • This issue should’ve been fixed, kindly PM me or the mods if you are still having issues. Closing the topic for now. Thanks for the report!