Appending highlights to RN: Top or Bottom?

When I click on RN clipper in a web page (or PDF) the screen splits with RN on left and a PDF on right, and a new Doc/REM is established with the name of the website.
Highlighting text the “Highlight” button appears. Clicking it used to append the data to the bottom of whatever is in the REM on the left — which seems like the way it should be to keep data in the order that you are reading-highlighting.
I hadn’t used it in a while, but today, it began appending to the top of the REM, before all other notes, not after.
It does not seem to matter where I have the cursor placed in the REM, which could be an easy way of deciding where you want appended highlights to go.
I searched settings, but did not find any related to ‘append highlight’ or similar