Are local or structured reference a thing in remnote?

First, I’m sorry if this can be answered by an obvious feature I’m missing out on :sweat_smile: .

The policy of “everything is a rem, and therefore, everything can become a reference” is fantastic :+1:

However, on a daily basis, I’m confronted with the following situation. I have rems that truly really only make sense in the context of their parents. What I mean by that is for example a rem called Conclusion (under Paper A rem), where I would list a series of conclusions for paper A.

Now let’s say I have to reference a rem that starts with conclusion of the study are vague… . Then when I search “Conclusion”, I have all the rems Conclusion from Paper A, B, C, D…that I actually don’t need listed.

An easy fix for this is to be able to make Conclusion a non-referencable rem. (Does anyone knows how to do that?)

A “better” solution could be to implement in remnote a logical local structure for rems, that could be referenced. For example, we could make reference to Conclusion from Paper A. This is so that I can reference conclusion but that remnote know this a local structure rem that requires the parent to be named for this rem to be referenced, and so that the reference bears a name that makes sense :slight_smile:

You can achieve that using Concept Descriptor Framework and/or Hierarchical Search (

one way is to to use conclusion as descriptor

Another way is to use hierarchical search
Hovering on the paper A and pressing “tab” will limit the search only to rems under paper A


Great idea! I don’t why I haven’t thought of using the concept/descriptor framework for this. I’ll give it a go and see what are the implication of using this. But I feel it’s like a hijacking of the concept/descriptor system.

One of the problems using this could be that it automatically creates a flashcard… I do not intent to study the conclusion of all papers I read :sweat_smile:
Is there a shortcut to deactivate a card?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Fortunately Yes. After 1.4 Update, flashcards generation and CD framework can be separated. Adding to “-” to delimiters like “::”, “;;” will disable the flashcards. Check out Concept / Descriptor Framework & Cards (

Many thanks, man :smiley: !

I, too, have many notes that contain terms like ‘conclusion’, ‘additional resources’ or ‘comments’, etc… Hm. But let me propose an idea - wouldn’t it be nice to assign individual documents and Rem to individual projects?

I think stuff, as described by @_yb, happens on its own when you follow a certain workflow and want to structure your notes in a certain way. And thank you for the suggested solution, @subbus. It works - even if I have the feeling that it is more of a workaround than a solution to the actual problem. Because:

As I see it, the problem exists on two levels. The first level is that recurring Rem like ‘conclusion’ used to structure the notes are only relevant to the document in question - for example, all conclusions for Paper A.

The second level concerns the entire knowledge base, on a global level, so to speak.

I often create a project-related folder for individual writing projects (articles, book chapters, blog posts) - a project-related folder for Paper A, for example. This folder then contains certain documents - one for the manuscript itself, one for the individual topics (which often grows into the outline of a paper), one for the sources, one for the conclusions, etc. These documents and Rem are now, of course, also part of the entire knowledge base, at the same time. However, they have - just like ‘conclusion’ in the previous example - recurring and non-unique names and are only relevant for the respective writing project.

(So I always start with the projects - you could say I am using a slightly modified version of the PARA method. It proved very effective.) (See, for instance, here:

However, what adds to the second situation described above is that I now collect all the conclusions directly relevant to that writing project - and these Rem, in turn, are also part of the entire knowledge base.

On the one hand, this is wonderful, and as @_yb also writes, I love that all Rem - just everything - can be referenced to each other. It is one of the reasons why I switched to RemNote.

On the other hand, the more extensive the knowledge base and the more completed writing projects I have, the more references and Rem clutter it - many of them carrying more or less the same name. This creates increasing chaos in my search mask, and I increasingly lose the overview. This ‘cluttering’ of the Knowledge Base also means that above a certain size of the database, the advantages of RemNote’s remarkable Rem architecture are (a) cancelled out, and (b) you lose speed; (c) the program needs to calculate more and may become unresponsive.

Hence my idea:

Both on the document level and on the ‘global’ level, it should be possible to mark those Rem that are only relevant for the parent element - conclusions for paper A on document level, all documents and their content added for project A (or B, C, …). It should be possible to assign individual elements (Rem, documents, etc.) to individual projects. Such assignment could be achieved quite easily, I think, similar to how Rem can now be turned into documents and back.

Descriptors do this in a somewhat limited way; it’s true. But with the idea described above, one then hasn’t to manually prevent the creation of flashcards. Moreover, it would be theoretically possible to switch seamlessly between a view of the entire knowledge base and a view of only those documents and Rem that are relevant to the current project. In my eyes, this is a decisive advantage over descriptors - again, the more the size of the knowledge base increases. You will have complete focus on what you are currently doing. When you are done with your work on a particular project, you could switch the view - et voilà - you are back in the entire knowledge base.

Some excellent software used by my colleagues at university - Citavi - works with projects. Besides better focus, this has immense advantages in planning and executing projects. However, there always remains a gap between the entire knowledge base and the individual project - newly created entries must be laboriously transferred back to the global knowledge base and vice versa. I think RemNote would be in an excellent position to handle this better.

For inspiration and further understanding: Kevin Lin, the founder of Dendron, illustrates the problem (and his solution) very well in this interview (see where they talk about schemata): Redefining knowledge management with Kevin Lin, founder of Dendron

I know that there may be other solutions to this problem; but for me, this would really be a gamechanger and actually increase my productivity.

thanks for sharing your experience, I was dumbfounded that I couldn’t see anything on the topic in the forum. It’s reassuring to see other people with the same questions :slight_smile:
From what I understand, it is a core design element of Remnote to be free of form and structure (as much as possible). This makes sense to me, as it allow maximal potentiality of personalized knowledge recording.
The descriptor system allows limiting the “scope” of a rem to its direct parent, which is what we want, right? This seems to me an appropriate solution at the moment… when using ;;- as a marker for the descriptor. It also has the added bonus to automatically provide context when referenced (Paper A > Conclusion)
Maybe I’m missing something from your idea.

Hi, yes it is nce to see other people thinking about those questions :slight_smile:

You made me think again about descriptors - and yes, limiting the scope of a rem to its direct parent is what we want, I agree. Thanks for clarifying this; guess I didn’t wholly understand descriptors.

What I meant was something like this:

In this example, we see some notes (or rem) not being included in the circle. That is, because these notes - in this example - have not been assigned to Paper A. The idea is, to ‘toggle on’ the circle and then work only with the notes within the circle while the rest of the knowledge base is temporarily excluded. Then, ‘toggle off’ the circle and you’re back and free to work with all the rem in your database. Something like this, I think…

To be sure: that descriptors automatically provide context when referenced is nice and helps.