Are these descendants? Can I get rid of this?

I had a long document with notes called Video 2. Underneath Video 2, I created an H1 called Video 3 and then indented several of the rem to move them under Video 3. When that was done I clicked on Video 3 and made it a Document. All that seemed to go great, but now I’m seeing these down the side…

and the pop-up seems to say something about descendants. I have no idea what descendants are but is there a way to get rid of these? I like my notes as clean as possible.

Thank you!

With this icon means, this rem has been referenced in another document using “Portal” . You could delete that Portal (if you want), and these icons would disappear.

Actually for whatever reason it’s says they are descendants of a document they they were originally under.

For me this sounds like:

Can you confirm? If yes, I’ll move to bug discussions.

Thank you … I’m not even sure how I did that!

Hmmm, I can’t find the missing portal… I guess it’s not a big deal. I don’t really use them so I’m not even sure how I turned it on.

This seems related to the issue I posted about portals here Mystery orphan portals

For some reason I have been finding portals getting mysteriously generated. I also get the reference icons, as you do, but I forgot to mention that.

If you open your Documents list, you will probably find these portals. Don’t try to delete them from the Documents list because it looks like that this breaks or deletes the rem that is referencing this “portal.” You need to actually open this untitled document and delete the portal–not the document–manually.

I wish I knew what was going on here, because this cleanup is a real nuisance.

@hannesfrank yep, that looks like it. Thank you!

Same here! As far as I know, I only just started experiencing this today, and it’s been driving me absolutely insane. Hoping for a fix soon!