Mystery orphan portals

When I open the Documents list, I often find that there are a lot of portals that have been mysteriously created and don’t seem to be attached to anything. That is, I didn’t create a portal anywhere to that rem, and when I open that portal document, it’s “Untitled.”

If I delete the portal from within this Untitled document (which has nothing else on it other than the portal), it deletes this portal document from the Documents list, but if I delete directly from the Documents list, it breaks stuff.

Is anyone else having this issue? What’s going on here?

Same here, I was adding my own question when yours popped up!

Loving remnote and everything seems OK but when I look in Documents I see weird things I can’t delete or haven’t created…
I can’t delete these …

And the weird thing is I don’t even use Portals… about the only fancy things I use are References and some tags, but I seem to have all these portals in my Documents folder-

I don’t ever remember creating portals… but I’m kind of afraid to delete these too.

Was there ever a solution to this? I can work around it but… I can’t seem to let it go.

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I seem to have all kinds of portals down the side of pages now too… I have no idea where they came from -

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I have a lot of them…

The only thing you can do is delete them and create new rems

Hah! Good to know I’m not the only one…I can live with them, I was just curious.

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