Automatically add template no longer working for me

The “Automatically add template” functionality is amazing and can save me so much time! But I can no longer get it to work.

Here’s my first attempt from a few weeks ago. Works like a charm:

Now today I’ve been trying for an hour to make it work again, in many ways. I added /slot to all children, but it’s not showing the “slot” thing and not creating a template that automatically adds rems. Also it’s not showing “4 unfilled slots” (for non-automatic option).

Am I doing something wrong?

Only the parent rem should be tagged with ‘Automatically Add Template’. All the child rems should be slots.
I see that your child rems also have the tag and that is unnecessary.
After this, you tag the rem that you want the slots added to with the original parent rem of those slots.
Let me know if this works! :slight_smile:

Yes, that was it! Thank you so much Anisha!