Better quick-capture-functionality for quick-notes on the go

Hello everyone,
I’m currently use Google Keep for my quick-notes on the go, since it is blazingly fast, reliable, works offline and allows me to easily add pictures, audio-recordings, sketches etc.

Since I’m currently trying to minimize my app-count and reduce double entries in my workflow, I would love to have a similarily robust feature-set for quick capture in RemNote. This would allow me to keep all my thoughts in one place instead of having to transfer my “on-the-go-thoughts” over to RemNote later.

Suggested Improvements:
Even though I really like the “Quick-Add” and “Edit-Later” functions of RemNote I currently see the following issues when using the App (Android) for quick-capture:

  • the first screen I get upon start-up is the “flashcard-queue” → I would like to configure the Quick-Add-Page so I can start typing right away. Alternatively the “Today’s doc” would also work for me

  • RemNote doesn’t easily allow me to add pictures (taken on my phone) to my quick-notes (as far as I know)

  • RemNote doesn’t easily allow audiorecordings (voice-recordings) for quick note taking without time to type

I do think that adressing these three points would make RemNote much more suitable for quick-notes on the go! But what do you think? Or does anyone know some workarounds for my issues?

Hey - I’m Andres from the design team at RemnNote. Your ideas sound really interesting.

Quick question: Do you prefer opening and seeing immediately your quick add page or is there a case where instead of quick capture you want to search content inside your notes first and then type in quick add?

We’re working on improvements to the mobile app and we could allow pictures and audio recordings. If you have any other ideas/suggestions feel free to post them on the forum :slight_smile:


Hey Andres, thank you so much for your reply! :slight_smile:

I’m glad you’re interested in my ideas and your comment sounds really promising!! I would love to see picture- and audio-support in the future!
But let’s focus on your question (which is quite an interesting one).

In most quick-capture cases I’d love the app to start on a blank canvas (my configured Quick-Add-Page or my daily-doc in a focus mode with no distracting context → as if I had clicked on my newly created rem) with the keyboard already enabled, so I can start typing right away.

But you are right - even though I personally mainly use my phone app for quick-capture - I can see some occasions where the described behavior (above) would not be desired.

My “ideal” solution:

  1. Let users configure the default starting page/starting view upon app-launch
    this could be a dashboard for some, or a project page etc.
  2. Add the possibility to configure App-Shortcuts (Android - I’m sure IOS has something similar)
    This would allow users to create a custom Quick-Add-Shortcut with the desired landing-page/Rem. This would also allow users to create custom Shortcuts for their most used pages in general :slight_smile:
    Maybe you could also create a “Flashcard-Queue-Shortcut” so we don’t loose quick-access to our flashcards.
    Shortcuts can be triggered by long pressing the app icon in most launchers on android.
    This way I can select where I want the app to open from my phones homescreen (which would be awesome!)
    More information about Android-Shortcuts can be found here:
    App shortcuts overview  |  Android Developers
  3. Bonus: I also really like the “Google Keep Notes-List-Widget” - maybe we could have something similar in the future?
    This widget gives a nice overview over the most recent notes, while also making quick-capture over text, camera and audio a breeze!
    I’ve recorded a quick video of my current setup, which can be accessed over the link below:
    I currently use the Niagara launcher on Android, which allows me to attach widgets to “Pop-Up-Folders” which open when I swipe (left to right) on an app-icon. As you can see I’ve added the “Google-Keep-Notes-List-Widget” to a pop-up folder attached to my RemNote-App-Icon. This way I have a clean homescreen, quick access to RemNote and a fast method to capture thoughts in Google Keep (soon to be replaced by RemNote I suppose :smiley: ).

I hope you can follow my thoughts here - if you have any questions, feel free to ask!