CSS for change bold text font size
If you didn’t want all bold text throughout your KB to be larger, you could set up the code so that only rems tagged with #bigbold will have a larger size. you can change the tag to whatever you prefer, “bigbold” is just an example. of course, you can also change how large the font is by changing the % from 200% to whatever you prefer.
font-size: 200%;
I think so. Actually, I don’t want the bold text to be larger than the normal text. But I can adjust the % of the bold size according to your code. Thanks very much for the reply.
I’m not familiar with code and CSS, can I change the font style on Remnote? I want to use Helvetica Neue. If it’s possible can you post the code?
Yes, you can change the font style. I would recommend watching this short youtube video to get started with CSS in remnote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4VqpNyDfqc
I honestly didn’t know anything about coding CSS until 24 hours ago when I got started with that youtube video, and then referencing some of @hannesfrank CSS library work: https://hannesfrank.github.io/remnote-library/#/
I’ve tried this CSS library to change the font style but I couldn’t