[Browser Extension] TabCopy - Export your open browser tabs to RemNote

Inspired by this twitter thread.

When working on a project I often open many tabs, skim them, close the unimportant ones and leave important ones open to later take notes on or use as a reference when I need the information.

The Chrome Extension TabCopy lets you export all open tabs (of a browser window) in a format you like (Markdown, JSON, HTML, CSV, …, Custom).

Here are 2 Custom formats (which you can configure in the extension settings) that play nicely with RemNote:

Full format


  • Easy to reference parts of the title
  • URL to see where the link leads


Exactly like when you would manually paste a link into RemNote.


  • Less text


  • Replace [[Browser Workspace]] with a page you like (e.g. [[Tab Inbox]]) and use the backlinks from there to find your tab collections.
  • You can add the [date], [time] or [date+time] to the links as well to make them more independent from the parent. Click the (i) in CopyTab settigns to see all formatting options.
  • Referencing a daily document is tricky. See this feature request for more information: Ability to paste references to dates/daily notes. Consider just pasting the tab collections directly into your daily document.
  • You can even (kind of) add #Document to the tab format to turn all links into Documents automatically.
  • Reference keywords of the website title to connect it to your knowledge graph. This is easier with the Full format.
  • You can store them for later editing by selecting all and apply the Edit Later Power-Up. Or you can turn them into flashcards for programmable attention. This can be done automatically by adding {{.}} to the tab format to turn it into a dummy cloze.

You may also use references to place the site in as many notes as you want and rank it with the outliner, either towards the top is best, top level is best, top is best and add alternative sites level down… If the site ranks differently in multiple notes, you can rerank it as needed. If you wish to earmark best sites regardless of context you can add an emoji (most obvious being 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place) and list all emojis at the top of your index doc. Don’t limit yourself to tags. Or do, hey, these are tips.

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Here’s them written out in case anyone else doesn’t want to type them:

List Start:
- [[Browser Workspace]] [date][n]

[t]- [[title]]([url])


Will there be an extension for Firefox?

There are a bunch of extensions for Firefox to copy tabs in some way: Suchergebnisse für „tab copy“ – Add-ons für Firefox (de)

I have not tested any, but e.g. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/copy-all-tab-urls-we looks like it can copy tags in markdown format.