Bug? Unable to create portals from inline Automatic Searching

Hi good folks, 1 more day till ProdutHunt launch day! :dancer:t2::dancer:t2::dancer:t2:


That aside, I can’t seem to create portals directly from the inline Automatic Searching function. We used to be able to do that in the Dec update, but it seems broken down? Tried clicking, shift + click, alt + click, but nothing seems to work.

Appreciate if anyone has a solution as it’s a nice feature to check if your knowledge base already has a similar Rem


I second this report. As a woraround I can open other rem, select copy as portal and then paste it. But that’s lame. :slight_smile: Hope fix will be there soon. Thanks

Martin has said that he’ll fix this at the next update!

This issue should’ve been fixed, kindly PM me or the mods if you are still having issues. Closing the topic for now. Thanks for the report!