Bulk API endpoints

I’m developing a plugin for neovim such that i can easily create rems from my code. The goal is to be able to use remnote as both snippet manager, note-taking tool and spaced repetition app.

Currently, sending works really well, however querying is way too slow - I’d ideally would be able to recursively retrieve all rems in a document (and then use the neovim fuzzy finder to filter it down and insert the code block). This takes, for a small document, well over 30s.

Is there a way to retrieve (or send/update) rems in bulk?


There are no bulk operations at the moment. But even if there were (I assume you are using the backend API) it might still be too slow for a < 30ms response time which is required for a snappy, responsive feeling.

So you might have to implement some caching anyway. E.g. periodically load the #Snippet tag and check for any new tagChildren.

Another option is to download a JSON backup and operate on that. Depending on how frequently you modify snippets a manual download might be enough. For Roam there are tools using Puppeteer to do it automatically, e.g. daily. This should work for RemNote too I think. If you are using the desktop app the backups are generated daily in your Documents folder automatically.

Still another option would be to use a frontend plugin connected to a localhost server (opened in an additional browser tab to be loaded all the time). See GitHub - hannesfrank/remnote-local-server: A quick&dirty demo of how to communicate between RemNote and the OS using the Frontend API. for a demo of the architecture.
This is really fast since no http requests to RemNote servers are required. And it also works on local-only KBs as well.

RemNote’s extension system is currently reworked so there might be some progress here the next month or two.


Thanks @hannesfrank super helpful/good ideas, I’ll play around w/ the options. I think combination of local caching for daily updates and rely on desktop app for longer can work and would avoid redundant space usage. I’ll also play around w/ the local server