Bullet points are not displayed even though Hide Bullet is disabled (1.4.10)

Previously whenever I added a new line, there was a bullet point at the start of the line. I don’t know what happened, now they disappear. The Hide Bullet option is unchecked.

How to make them visible at the start of a new line again?




Update: seems like this is the new update (just have updated the desktop version and the bullet points disappear too). If it was the case, does anyone know how can I make them appear again?

i think somehow your hide bullet is enabled; to rectify the problem; type ctrl+/ where your cursor is in your image and type “bullet” in the search bar and you will get a hide bullet option; click it and bullets should reappear

Nah I’m sure the option is disabled. But it’s not a big problem anyway, my perfectionism has just been kicking in.
Thanks for the help.

This is a bug…
It makes it harder for us to move the empty rem…
I will move this post to bug category…
I suggest add a six-dot button previous the plus button because I can still move rem with six-dot