Can I queue cards with a certain tag within a document?

I am using RemNote for law school. I store various types of information as cards, such as cases, legislation, and journal article summaries, and tag them accordingly.

Is it possible for me to practice cards with a tag within a particular document, e.g. if I want to practice all the #Cases in the “Manslaughter” document only and without seeing the #Cases in other documents?


  • Option 1: In your Manslaughter Rem, invoke search (ie. filter) using CTRL/CMD + F, then specify “#Case Studies”. Convert the search into a search portal, then convert the SP into an embedded queue.

  • Option 2: You can create this anywhere following the same process, searching instead “isDescendant:Manslaughter #Case Studies”.

“isDescendant:” = specifies the parent Rem to search
##Case Studies = aggregates all child Rem tagged #Case Studies underneath the parent Rem

Currently, there’s a small bug with the isDescendant filtering, but it should be fixed soon. Thanks for the explanation.