Cannot Sync(Desktop&website)

You are not alone, i am having the exact same problems. On remnote the desktop app i am seeing this

And on my browser i am having a completely different number of flashcards than in the app or in the new.remnote site. I hope they fix this as soon as possible for everyone to enjoy the potential of the app.

I know right! This app is impressively good, but this update is just horrible. There are too many bugs, I can’t even type Vietnamese in this app, whenever I type something, words are all jumbled. Things didn’t use to be like this in the last version. They also said that they would improve Remnote’s performance but it now seems even more laggy than before.


Same here. Its been over an hour since it has synced. Its just spinning.

Me too!!! I’ve post it too

It’s been entire day and Sync is still not working.
Besides, i also get the following message on Windows app :

This message isn’t disappearing either.

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After Update 1.8. the bar document status bar takes too long to load. I’ve been waiting for 2 hours and still doesn’t load. Also on bottom right side i’m getting this message “Working”.

I tryed refreshing the page but still doesn’t load.

Apparently all my documents and its content are complete, but this bar still doesn’t show up.


Hola, lograste resolverlo? Me sucede lo mismo.

Yo igual, el mismo problema a, parecer nuestas basesd e datos las destruyeron

Yes, I have the same issue. Its also not syncing!