Can't paste an image to RemNote

I do not know why but I can’t paste this image hereänge+absorbierte+farbe&client=safari&hl=de-ch&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP4rbD9aLvAhXHDewKHc0UC0oQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=1366&bih=917&dpr=2#imgrc=-9kvx-_w2TPj3M
to RemNote. I reloaded RemNote, restarted my iPad, made an update (new just came out) but it all didn’t help. Sometimes the message that it’s importing the image shows up multiple times but there’s no image being pasted. The only way I was able to paste this image is by saving the image to Photos, going to goodnotes, select the image from Photos, and then copy paste it from goodnotes to RemNote.

Could someone maybe try pasting the image linked above to RemNote and see if it works for them?

Hey, I tried to paste this image. It works for me (using the desktop app on Mac). Which way of pasting didn’t work for you exactly?
Also, does dragging and dropping work on the iPad (with images in RemNote)?

I paste with cmd+v and when I do that with the image linked above, this happens

the multiple popups aren’t because I’m constantly pressing cmd+v, I did it once. It stops popping up after like 2 to 3 seconds.

Also drag and dropping from Photos doesn’t work

however drag and dropping from safari does

Another weird thing I found is that editing the image in Photos makes it pasteable again. I drew a small red line on the image and I can suddenly use cmd+v or drag and drop to paste it.

If I delete the changes though, it doesn’t work anymore. No clue what’s wrong with this one image because I haven’t experienced this issue with any other image and also tried other images just now from a google search and they work perfectly fine. Maybe the issue is caused by the website this image is from because I found the exact same image on some forum, copied it from there and when I paste it to RemNote it works.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I also think that it most likely has something to do with the page that is linked to the source of the image since this is not happening with any other images you try to copy from Google.

Also, the fact that you can drag and drop images from Safari into RemNote, but not from the native iOS Photos app doesn’t seem intended - I would suggest reporting that to Github (if you wish to).

This seems to be a discrete issue, not a bug. Kindly submit a support token to, if you are still facing similar issues. Closing the topic for now.