Can't use Web clipper, keeps asking me to login when I am already logged in

When I try to use the web clipper it says:

Please log in to Remnote to access the Remnote Clipper.


But I am already logged in


I don’t know if it helps, but : you have to log in your web clipper separately from logging in
Actually, it doesn’t matter if you’re connected to, you only need to log in the web clipper for it to function. If you didn’t do, this behaviour is normal

When I get the above message and I press login it takes me to my already logged in remote page.

If I go back to the article and try to clip once more, it prompts me with the same, you have to login message.

actually you are right :upside_down_face: I’ve been logged out of the extension, and now, same as you, I’m stuck at the login.

I’ve tried with disconnecting from before signing in the extension : that doesn’t work either.
I’m working in chromium based edge

I am having the same issue

Maybe its visions?

It’s working for me today.

Did it resolve for you too?

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yep it does work again, perfect :+1:

Same problem to me with Vivaldi browser, but fine with Chrome or Edge.

Even though this post is a few months old, I am experiencing this exact issue right now with Vivaldi. I can’t seem to use it. I tried the clipper on Chrome and it doesn’t seem to work there too.

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It is really unexplainable that, after few months, Remnote can’t resolve this web clipper problem.
The web clipper was among the first available features, and not being able to use IT and not having any answer, feedback or any kind of visibility about this problem from the team is very worrying.

unable to clip using edge & chrome for the last 1 month

Same here. I am using Brave browser

I can in Brave but not in Chrome now!

Unable to use Remnote Clipper in Chrome. Testing out various apps and the web clipper is important to me but if you can’t even take the time to fix this issue or provide a work around (and after several months of people asking for help), why should I even bother using your app or giving you my money?

Sad thing is all they have to do is add the .com (instead of old .io) site to the extension and it should work just fine.

I cannot even access it in brave. Despite in love with this tool i have 2 major problems:

  1. Clipper not working in chrome, edge or brave.
  2. Navigating Back takes me to some error page always !!!

also experiencing this problem with chromeTT
hope they can fix this soon

Still have the same problem

Using Brave. Redirects me to which I am already logged in to.

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New version of RemNote Clipper is released… It has fixed all problems…

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