Changing the settings of many rems at once


I want to get rid of all the backwards rems.

Selecting everything in the document to change all its rems at once didn’t work. After searching around the program, I found the Cards menu. Though, I can’t disable or enable anything there, which is odd to me, as it would be extremely useful given that changing rems one by one is tedious, clumsy and time-consuming. Is there any solution? Help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Thank you

There isn’t any way to specifically select/target only rems that are Backwards enabled. However, it is possible to select multiple consecutive rems and toggle them all off using the Cards icon in the bottom toolbar.

For example, if you want to select all the rems (and turn their cards off) in a document, you can:

  1. Focus your cursor in any of the rems
  2. Ctrl (or Cmd) + A
  3. Ctrl (or Cmd) + Shift + to expand all descendants
  4. Click the Cards icon
  5. Select None.

This will turn all selected rems that generate any types of cards (Forwards/Backwards/Both) off.

Could I delete multiple rems using this method?

@belf Yup. Just press backspace.