Collapse all rems and Expand all rems Shortcut key please

I’m finding it hard to open all the rems in my extensive hierarchy. Please include the Collapse all rems and Expand all rems shortcut key in the future updates. Thank you and Good day. :slight_smile:

Kindly take a look at each one closely. then you’ll find the feature what you want. Back then I was too. there are so many features in the RemNote that I couldn’t learn at once. :grinning:

Oh wow. Thanks. I’ll try to explore the program extensively next time. :smile:

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Is there any way to contract all rems (including their rem children)?

yess ctrl shift and up arrow

“Control + Shift + arrow up” Only collapses the first line of child rems, but not the grandchild rems (or the child rems of the children).

“Control + Shift + arrow down” does expand all the layers of remchildren.

When I really miss this functionality is after expanding a whole document to be able to pass the link to a friend.

Do ctrl+shift+up twice to collapse all.

It’s annoying to be able to expand ALL of the descendants but only collapse generation per generation. For example, to share smtg, you’ll need to expand all the descendants. Once you have shared your doc, you can do what ever you want with it won’t modified your share. I prefer to keep my unused docs closed and properly closed. Means every descendant closed. It’s annoying to close every ligne once I have shared smtg.