Columns for comparison

A lot of time there is only half of the page being utilized which leaves a massive amount of space to the right of my screen. I often need to compare and contrast items for instance. RCC vs ADPKD vs ARPKD vs Complex cyst. It would be helpful if I could put these topics side by side when viewing them instead of having to scroll to see the differences.

Notion happens to do this really well. I don’t know anything about coding or how difficult it would be to implement but this would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t know if I understand your situation perfectly, but with “Shift + Leftcklick” on a page/rem, you can open that page in a new “pane” → you can open as many panes as you want and arrange them with drag and drop :slight_smile:

So you can also do this with every bullet point in your document because each rem can be opened in a new pane as well.

Maybe this can already help you with comparisons :thinking: