Create cloze within code block

I’ve now added my previous community query as a Feature Request, along with illustrative images, as it would be very useful to my workflow.

I’d like to recreate in remnote my learning cards for my coding like how I had in In, I was able to cloze sections of my code, and then type it out when in recall mode.

In remnote, I find I’m only able to do cloze in regular text or image occlusion in screenshots, but not within code block. Having this feature will greatly enhance my workflow, as I find it cumbersome to take screenshots of larger coding classes & algorithms. Plus for resuability, I prefer to have them within code blocks (and copy them in a click as I can with Obsidian; but that is yet another feature request).

Kind regards,

Duplicating current workarounds.

Its to my community q&a that your this reply was to. :slight_smile: I’ve referenced that here in the feature request along with why this workaround doesn’t work for me.

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Of course, just keeping things tidy in case the workarounds work for some people. Obviously, native clozes with typing in the answer would be ideal.


Yeah. Thank you. I really liked the one in that I had earlier subscribed to. Now, as a pro-user of Remnote, I’ve unsubscribed both and diigo to fully embrace Remnote.
But I miss this cloze within code fence functionality. :frowning: Hopefully, Remnote developers will be able to do something for this. :slight_smile:


+1 on this one. There is so much code that creating image occlusion cards for everything is kinda Impractical

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+1. This would also be really useful for me.

Hi! I’m in the same situation, currently subscribed to both and remote, it would be great just to be subscribed to only one service.

The feature on about hiding an specific part of the code is great! I was searching for something similar in remnote and found this post!


When learning a new programming language, it would help a lot to be able to edit clozes inside the snippet code. Instead, I find myself losing some context when I cloze a text related to the snippet code.


I use remnote to study programming, and a feature that I would really like is the capability of creating a codeblock, and create clozes of pieces of code inside this codeblock.


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Use anki with this add-on for multiple cloze type

With this add-on Fill the blanks - Multiple type:cloze support - AnkiWeb

But if you have a multiple line syntax for cloze ,then create a line by line cloze by {{C1:…

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