Create future Daily Document for future planning


I’m using RemNote as a todo list, and I’d like to make a weekly plan at Monday, so that I should move those tasks to the day I plan to do from Mon to Fri.

The problem is that I can’t just move one task to Tue because the document (Daily Document of Tue) is not exist, I have to:

  1. wait until Tue and create it
  2. Or I should move to “Daily Document”, create document for Tue, go back Monday, and move it to Tue.

To solve this, I suggest that you can:

  1. Create 365 “Daily Document” of the year and hide them first, and unhide when a task move in it.
  2. Add a “create Daily Document” button in move document pop up window, so that we can create it even it is not exists.


You don’t have to wait till Tue. When you create a date reference using !! , a daily document of that day is created.

Perhaps knowing this can fit into your workflow by referencing them instead of directly creating in the docs?

Create todo referencing date:

Go to date with todo showing as references: