Custom CSS snippets seen as TODO

When a new snippet is created by “Add Blank Css Block” in “Custom CSS” power up, it is seen in the search results of a Unfinished ToDo tag. Is this normal behaviour?

Yes this is normal behavior since the Custom CSS page just uses ordinary todos.

I agree though that it is undesired behavior. I opened an issue discussing some possible solution here already: Unfinished Custom CSS Todos should be ignored · Issue #839 · remnoteio/remnote-issues · GitHub

Thank you I hope it gets fixed soon. Meantime I deleted #Todo tag on right hand side. Even I delete #Todo tag, it still shows up in search. Don’t know why.

You could also just hide them

probably a basic question, but how do you achieve this?
I’ve tried hiding one of the unfinished to-dos from the custom CSS, it doesn’t work in my experience

I used the wrong term here, what I meant is that you can remove the checkbox by clicking cmd+enter twice.

I was not aware of that!
by the way do you know what “CSS-trash” is?

Nope, I‘ve never heard this term before

Removing the checkbox on a CSS snippet “turns on” the snippet for me, so I am looking forward to some kind of removing/hiding CSS snippets from TODO searches. I like to have some disabled CSS snippets for testing.