Customize Insert ___ Shortcuts (esp. Cloze)

As a person who made a LOT of clozes back in my Anki days, I am finding the process of doing so in RN a little clunky.

  1. The only way to go back and insert clozes is to highlight and click the “insert cloze” button

  2. I could be wrong, but it typically takes at least 4 key presses to insert a cloze. Two "{"s to start, and two “}” or “→” to end. In Anki, initiating the cloze takes 1 key combination rather than two, and initiating the cloze automatically introduces the closing brackets. Relative to Anki, clozing in RN just feels irksome.

  3. Trying to optimize my clozing process brought to my attention all of the insert ___ shortcuts are locked in and cannot be changed. This is likely already in the roadmap, but it would be super, super helpful to be able to customize them to more traditional key combinations (ctrl + __ rather than requiring double taps)

This is just me nitpicking, but yeah, with Clozes being such a powerful tool for learning, I think it would bring RN that much further to give the Cloze process some love.

What works for me is, I write it first, then say, I want to practice on a term, the term that u put inside {{}}.

Simply highlight the term and then press Shift+[ basically a curly bracket ‘{’ . and done.