Daily custom flashcard card limit for a document

Self explanatory title. Something similar to anki groups. Maybe I wish to give priority to documents containing my most important topics, this feature will be helpful.
We already have different custom scheduler profiles per document. Adding a daily limit box to it will be helpful.

@Faizangmc , The part of your query that addresses that u should be be asked in priority the documents that contain most of the cards.

The way I solve this issue, Although I don’t prefer to prioritize larger documents but I do prefer to prioritize important stuff more than the not-so-important stuff. I would want most of my time memorizing important documents or say important cards.

So the solution is using tags, I tag whatever is important as ##important . then while studying I search(filter) all the rems with important. Then study only those, making sure I have studied all the important stuff.

Even tho, its not RemNote prioritizing it. I hope we will have this feature in near Future :slight_smile: