Daily Document folder access failed

When I click on Daily Document:

  • Desktop: the “something went wrong” message shows, and when I refresh the page, I can get into the folder.
  • Mobile: the “somethig went wrong” message shows, and the app keeps refresh time and time again, but can’t get into the folder, the only way to stop the refresh is click on the “…” 3-dot button.
    Please help to fix it. Thanks.

Could you try CTRL + P then type in “Document Sidebar” and click restore

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Thank you. I’ve done it many times, it doesn’t work.


If you use browser, please force refresh page or try to open in private mode. If use desktop version, how about re-install it?

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Force refresh page is always useful, but I don’t think it is normal. And to open it in private mode won’t help.