Updated to second version: The link given under the heading “first version” has been updated. Some subtle styling changes were made. Some elements which were missed in the first release has also been included in this new version
First version: Here is the link for a Dark theme for RemNote inspired by Solarized Dark theme. It’s made in RemNote itself. You just have to import this into the your knowledge base and it will get applied automatically. It may take some time to load since it is a large document. Once the theme is applied, I haven’t experienced any lags. The code can be seen in the Custom CSS page.
Don’t try to open the entire descendants of the rem named “Code” in this document all together at a time in case you want to see the code used. If you expand all descendants together, this can cause lag while viewing that document since it is very large in size. Expand the parent rems first and depending on the need, expand the relevant child rems. Once you are familiar with the code, you can use hierarchical search to open the relevant rem easily.
You can also change the colours to your own liking. I have listed the colours used in the theme within the document itself. Also each CSS element is grouped hierarchically so that you easily search and find the element to be tweaked.
Once I get enough time to work, I can clean up the code and reduce the size of the document.