Database sync stuck and need to refresh constantly


Lately I keep getting this “You need to refresh error” constantly. I would say I am not doing anything particularly different from other ocasions so asking if this is rather a general server side thing.

More details in the error I get:

Sorry - You Need to Refresh
A database error occurred in your browser

When I click refresh it tries to sync and gets back to me with the same error eventually.

Thanks in advance.

I’ve never seen this error message before. Try to delete the browser cache (and cookies).

Some people have had this issue if they have the multiple panes lab feature on. If this is the case for you try turning it off

@davidmasp did this work for you?

It didn’t sadly. I manged to export the whole back up and create a new account. I tried with different browsers and nothing worked.

I don’t remember setting that up, I am pretty sure I wasn’t using any lab feature

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