December 2020 Update RemNote v1.0

New December Update is here! This update brings the long awaited Desktop App :sunglasses: Check out the update page for the full list of improvements

What’s new?
The long anticipated Desktop App!
Download now from
available for Mac, Windows, Linux
Offline Local Knowledge Bases
Anki importer with image

Thanks Rem Community :grin:


To be clear, are the automatic daily backups the full raw backup from the web synced version plus the local databases and images? In other words, is it possible to have the entire synced and not synced knowledge base in the same file, or is it necessary to also manually export from the web version?


The automatic daily backups are currently only for local-only knowledge bases. We can take a look at enabling this for synced knowledge bases as well.


Wow, amazing!!! RemNote 1.0 :slight_smile: Congratulations!!! :tada: :confetti_ball: :tanabata_tree:


Woop woop , desktop down, iOS togo :muscle:


Yay! This is great stuff, thankyou so much!

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So does this mean your commitment to the browser version will be diminished and that the pace of development will slow down?

Kudos to the @RemNote team! Looking back, the transformation RemNote has gone through over the last few months is incredible. It shows the hard work and commitment from the team. Thanks for the Desktop app, thanks for focusing on bug fixes and stability, and thanks for taking feedback from the community. Way to go!


Probably not. As far as I know, the app is Electron based, which basically means they first work on the web version, and then export to the app.

But I might be mistaken. Anyone else care to elaborate?

Electron is a platform to run web apps on the desktop and add additional capabilities like

  • file system access to save or open/import local files
  • define system wide shortcuts (e.g. to focus RemNote from anywhere)
  • integrate with the task bar and run in the background
  • being totally self contained to run offline

Apart from those extra capabilities the main application logic is shared which means that any new feature and every fixed bug is equally available on web and desktop (and kind of Android which uses a similar technology, augmenting a simplified mobile version).


@ognsya is right - now that we’ve taken the time to lay the foundation, the majority of future work should automatically translate to both the desktop and web versions. We definitely remain committed to the browser version as well.

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I realized I can’t change the shortcut to focus on RemNote (I’d like it to be Win + R, as I never use it anyways).

Do you know if there is a way, or is this some system limitation?

The desktop app and local support is very nice!

I do have a question about the local knowledge base: is it possible to sync the local knowledge base via a personal cloud or usb stick? And if so, how does that work? I tried to use the same folder, but it just created new backup folders inside the folder.

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Please add digital sign to Windows .exe.


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