Just sharing my experience using the Linking features (already worked in 1.4) with another application on my local Mac:
I am trying the (hyperlinking) in Remnote to a place in an OmniOutliner (.oo) file. I am using Hook. I select some words in the OO file (“Here’s where I need the missing files.”) and then press the Hook keyboard shortcut to make a Hook/link.
Then I immediately go to Remnote (so I don’t knock out what is in the clipboard) and then paste.
Then I can click the hyperlinked text, and it takes me back to the text in the OO doc. The text in OO doesn’t look like a hyperlink. I don’t think Hook-ing it changes it, in the way that
< a name=“blah” >< /a >
doesn’t look like anything.
This Hook application also works to create Remnote-readable-links-to-files in my directories:
So I don’t know if the behavior is different in 1.5, but this was how it worked in 1.4 and seems to be similar.
I would like to have the opposite direction, get a link to a specific Rem (in a document, or top-level, etc) or a highlighted phrase in a Rem, but I suppose that is much harder. Hook doesn’t know what to do when I have highlighted a few words and then click the Hook icon:
I’m not happy with Hook’s pricing scheme, but that is for another user discussion forum!