Detailed statistics like anki

It would be great if we can see the statistics by new, mature, learning phase and relearning phase as anki. I can’t find utility in the actual statistics. Sorry.

From, AnkiWeb:

True Retention (pass rate calculated only among “Review” cards)

Hi, RemNote Community!

This statistic is critical for users to understand how they should adjust the algorithm settings: if the true retention is lower than we desire, we can adjust the interval to see our cards more and vice versa.

Furthermore, if we can see the true retention per document, we could better customize the spaced repetition intervals for each class to make sure we are getting within the range we would like—I hear 80-90% is a good place to be.

Using RemNote we are going to learn undoubtedly, but the data will allow us to further optimize our methods. In conclusion, our review data over a broad range of time is essential for adapting our game plan, and it would be a fantastic addition to the RemNote software.

Thank you