Did your trash history stopped updating since around or after May 8th?

My trash history in RemNote did and it is quite worrying if one thought you had the safety net of trash bin and yet it stopped working without your knowledge.

Yes i had this problem… it happens when i delete too many rems…
However, I waited about 1 month and the Trash worked again

When your Trash worked again, did the “too many rems” you deleted appear back in the trash history?

Yes, they appear back…

This is happening with me and my trash can is stuck on 12 august - no further documents since then seen in it

I suggest waiting for the new update to take effect and see if your problem is resolved. All bug reports / feature requests are a mess right now on forums and GitHub, so it will be better to wait for the team to get the update working, streamline their bug fixing and feature request workflows to be more effective and transparent before checking if your issue is being worked on.